
Signs That Your Water Storage Tank Needs Attention

Indicators of a neglected water tank: rust, leaks, unusual smells.

Although it can be difficult to identify what is wrong with your water storage tank when you notice it is having some problems, there may be signs that your water storage tank needs attention that you’re missing. Your tank may not be working properly, or there might be some strange smells coming from it. If you’re encountering problems with your water tank, this article will help you to identify what the problems might be and advise you on the steps you should take to fix them.

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Water Tank Lining vs Water Tank Replacement – Which is Better?

A water tank lining or water tank replacement service provides an effective solution if you notice something wrong with your water tank. However, many people do not necessarily understand the difference between the two. Sometimes you might even end up paying more for what is actually required as a result. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About Legionella Control

legionella control

Legionella control is an important disease prevention procedure many businesses and individuals must adhere to in order to prevent long term health issues as a result of inhaling small droplets of contaminated water. Legionella can, in extreme cases, cause serious illness and even fatalities if not maintained and eradicated sufficiently. With this in mind, we have discussed frequently asked questions in relation to Legionella control so that you can consume water in full confidence without risking your well-being.

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What is A Bunded Water Tank And Its Common Uses?

What is A Bunded Water Tank And Its Common Uses?

Concerned about liquid storage safety or compliance with environmental laws? A bunded tank could be your answer. In this guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know – from what bunded tanks are to their maintenance and repair.

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Water Safety Procedures in School Environments

When it comes to water safety in school settings, the emergence of Covid19 has displayed the many dangers of leaving schools unoccupied for lengthened periods of time. Whilst many schools have now welcomed their students back, some had to remain closed to take extra water safety precautions to make sure their students and staff are protected. For example, some schools had to be checked for developing harmful bacteria such as legionella which could have been transported throughout the school’s pipe system.

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Maintaining Your Commercial Water System in the Spring

Maintaining your commercial water system is important all year round, however, there is a distinct lack of information regarding water system maintenance in spring. If you’re interested in how to maintain a commercial water tank system in spring – this article is for you. 

Continue reading to learn more about the problems occurring with your water storage tank in spring and what you can do to prevent them. 

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Your Complete Guide to Water Tank Cleaning

your complete guide to water tank cleaning

Want to know everything there is about water tank cleaning? You’ve come to the right place! 

Adequate and high-quality water storage is essential for preserving the water used for distribution networks, domestic and commercial purposes. Even more so if the water you store is potable.

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Rain Collection System Maintenance Procedures

Having a rain collection system can have many ideal and sought after benefits. For example, they act as an independent water supply which otherwise would be costly or difficult to obtain. In addition, rainwater harvesting tanks are a crucial source of clean water and increase the quantity of potable drinking water available to houses or even citizens in the community. Furthermore, water collected in the rainwater harvesting tanks can lead to a large reduction in business or household utility bills. With this in mind, keeping your systems well maintained is essential if you want an ongoing supply of clean water. As such this article will discuss:

  • Why you should maintain your rain harvesting tank 
  • What procedures you should take 
  • Final considerations
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Why You Should Maintain Your Galvanised Steel Water Tank

Galvanised steel water tanks are often used to safely store large quantities of water for commercial purposes. They are reliable, tough, long lasting and finished with a galvanised coating to prevent premature rust and corrosion of the tank. 

Supplied in kits to minimise transport costs, this type of tanks can be easily assembled where they are needed. Some of the common applications of galvanised tanks include rainwater harvesting, farming and many more. Some  of those require the use of tanks with sizes varying from 9000 litres (1980 gallons) to 500,000 litres (109,985 gallons).

In this guide we explore the importance of regularly maintaining your galvanised tank. 

What is Used to Protect Galvanised Steel Water Tanks? 

Modern galvanised steel tanks come with an inner poly lining. This provides additional protection to the steel tank from the stored water, which limits the buildup of rust and corrosion. In addition, it helps prevent leaks at the welded joints –  a common weak point in steel tanks and a major cause for water leaks

The inner poly lining in galvanised steel tanks also stops zinc mixing into your rainwater, which can give your water an unpleasant metallic taste.

Does Galvanised Steel Rust in Water?

Because the zinc acts as a barrier for oxygen and water, it’s nearly impossible for galvanised steel to rust. 

There are various factors that affect the metal’s resistance to corrosion including the thickness of the galvanised coating. But generally, galvanised steel will remain in good condition for decades, especially with the proper maintenance. 

Why is Maintaining Your Galvanised Water Tank Important?

Keeping your galvanised steel water tanks in good condition is pivotal for maintaining the quality of the water inside them. Although the properties of galvanised steel prevent the development of corrosion and rusting, they still need to be maintained to get the most of their lifespan. 

It’s not just the structure of your water tank that you have to worry about. Sometimes, the lining of the tank can become dislodged meaning the tank’s material may naturally come into contact with other metals. If a situation occurs where zinc, for example, comes into contact with another metal, it creates the potential of a galvanic corrosion which reduces the useability of the tank.

How to Maintain a Galvanised Steel Water Tank?

When carrying out maintenance work on your tank it is important to use the correct maintenance products. 

Excessive abrading of the galvanised tank can cause rust and corrosion to occur more quickly. This is because ‘galvanising’ protects steel from corrosion by developing a thin barrier film of insoluble zinc corrosion on the outer surface when it is exposed to the atmosphere. 

Abrasive cleaning will wash away this corroded zinc consequently requiring another build up of this protective barrier which only consumes more of the zinc. As a result, this process will reduce the life of any galvanised steel product.

Water Tank Maintenance with Covac

If you need help maintaining your galvanised steel water tank, Covac can help. We provide expert tank maintenance and relining no matter what condition your tank may be in. 

Our highly trained and qualified cleaning engineers will solve any problems you have from full on water tank relining to repairs. For more information contact us on 01455 556 631 or alternatively email us at

What Is Hydroblasting and Why to Consider It

Professionally cleaning large systems that help with the functionality of your operations is necessary if you want to experience continued results. One of the ways in which this can be achieved is through a term called ‘hydroblasting’. As the name suggests, the processes of blasting water out from a pressurised area at a high speed can result in astronomical forces being created. This can be hugely beneficial if you want something like a water tank being cleaned quickly and effectively. With this in mind, this article will discuss: 

  • What is hydroblasting?
  • What are its benefits?
  • Final considerations
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  • UKAS ISO 14001

    Cert No. 22946