Legionella Control

Clean water is something we use every day and that we often take for granted. Although fresh water sources are used by everyone, some can contain diseases or harmful bacteria such as Legionella and risk causing long-term health problems and even death in the case of Legionnaires’ Disease if they do not meet specific water quality guidelines and regulations. For this reason, Legionella control is absolutely necessary.
The primary purpose of these legionella control regulations is to protect the public health: therefore, it is imperative that any structure that holds potable water or water for our consumption should be clean and safe.
Legionnaire’s disease can be fatal as it is a type of pneumonia, which predominantly affects people who are over fifty years old, smokers, have a suppressed immune system, etc. It is generally caused by bacterium called Legionella Pnuemophila and associated bacteria. There are usually over two hundred reported cases of Legionnaires Disease annually in the UK alone; however it is thought that many cases are not reported.
Often the source of the outbreak is not found, however, when it is found, it is almost always from corroded and / or poorly maintained cooling towers or hot and cold water tanks in hotels, leisure centres, hospitals, factories and / or other establishments.
Experience has shown that various water systems, in numerous types of workplaces present a risk of a Legionella outbreak.
According to the Approve Code of Practice and Guidance L8 (ACOP L8), there are many actions we can do that will help prevent or control the risk from exposure to Legionella bacteria from water storage tanks and cooling towers, for instance: - Avoidance of the use of materials that harbour bacteria and other micro-organisms, or provide nutrients for microbial growth - Maintenance of the cleanliness of the system and the water in it - The primary objective should be to avoid conditions which permit Legionella bacteria to proliferate - Keeping the system clean to avoid the build-up of sediments which may harbour bacteria (and also provide a nutrient for them)
COVAC have solutions to help our clients with all the above and offer the peace of mind of a proven system that will significantly reduce the risk of bacterial growth in all types of potable water retaining structures, and will resist the growth of micro aquatic organisms.
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Cert No. 22946
Cert No. 22946